About this Website

The Silver Lake Web Site was the result of three local residents' efforts: Spencer Soohoo, Lee McVetta and Theresa Sterling.

Silver Lake, California

Silver Lake in December, 1999. The Griffith Park Observatory and Hollywood Sign can be seen in the center at top.



Spencer SooHoo moved into Silver Lake in 1977. He discovered the area when he came to visit his aunt, who lived on Moreno, and when he and his wife were looking for a house, they decided that Silver Lake offered a relief from urban Los Angeles without a long commute.  He became active in the Silver Lake Residents Association in 1990 after being challenged to do something about traffic instead of complaining about it.   He served 2 terms as president of the Silver Lake Residents Association and focused on  traffic issues and was  involved with the DWP to develop a Master Plan for the Silver Lake and Ivanhoe Reservoirs.

As the manager of a computer technology group at a medical center, Spencer has been involved with using Internet technology for health care since the early days of the Internet when Mosaic was introduced as the first browser. When he is not working with computers, he enjoys spending time with his children and organizing star parties to share the wonders of the night sky with others.

Spencer created the original site back in March of 1999 and writes most of the copy for the site. His work on the site sparked an interest in the history of the Silver Lake area and he is constantly on the lookout for historic photographs.

Although he and his family have moved out of Silver Lake, he still recalls fondly the sense of community that Silver Lake offered, especially when his children attend Ivanhoe Elementary school.   Helping maintain the web site is one way he keeps in touch with friends and neighbors in Silver Lake.


Lee McVetta provided many of the graphics (including the site logo) and general layout for the Silver Lake Web site. He and his wife, Tracy, have lived in Los Angeles for almost five years and in Silver Lake for over two years where they own a house on Lakeview Avenue. In addition to the Silver Lake Web site, Lee McVetta is also currently working with a Los Feliz community organization designing a 15’ x 41’ mosaic mural for the retaining wall of one of neighborhood’s many historic staircases. The mural is expected to be completed sometime in October 1999. 

Currently, Lee McVetta is the coordinator of the graphics department of a management consulting firm in Los Angeles where he designs and develops marketing materials and information tools, including the company ‘s Web site and intranet/extranet. He continues to paint (floral still lifes, portraits, and small abstracts), but privately. As well, he continues to do freelance and volunteer graphic work.


Theresa Sterling is the "webmaster" for the Silver Lake Website. She created the site using FrontPage, and html coding as necessary, and updates the site regularly. 

Theresa was originally an English teacher (and before that a court reporter) who became interested in computer design when she desktop published a newsletter for a mom's club in Los Feliz/Silver Lake in 1995. Though she has moved recently, she still helps maintain the site. Email her at tmsteling@earthlink.net for comments or suggestions.

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