 | Front cover of 1887 flyer advertising lots in the Ivanhoe area outside of Los Angeles.
After the Silver Lake Reservoir was built, the area came to be known as Silver
Lake. |
 | Second page of 1887 flyer. A whole block can be had for a mere $400! |
 | Real estate flyer circa late 1920s advertising lots in "Silver Lake Terrace."
The sketch shows the Danzinger home as seen from the development. |
 | Map from Silver Lake Terrace flyer showing the development just below the dam at the
southern end of the Silver Lake Reservoir. The rest of the flyer is too faint to reproduce on this web site, but some of the
statements quoted from the flyer are still valid today:
 | ""Where have I been that I did not know of this beautiful locality?' is the
question that comes involuntarily from scores of people who visit Silver Lake
Terrace." |
 | "Skilled engineers and landscape artists have located the drives,
parkings, boulevards
and hillside homesites, preparatory to making it one of the most beautiful residential
sections in Los Angeles." |
 | "Build here and you will be assured of a quiet, restful home place just around the
corner from the city's busiest section and a community of homes of the best
character." |
 | Moreno Highlands newspaper advertisement placed in May, 1927 by Strong and Dickinson in
the Evening Herald. The Birthday Party box invites the public to a celebration in
their Model Home on May 8th. It features a birthday cake prepared by Young's Market
Co. and Maxwell House coffee. The Model Home features furniture by Russell-Pierce
Furniture Co., Awnings by Swanfeldt Tent and Awning Co. and etchings and paintings by
Wilson Silaby. |
Elysian Gardens and
Hunter Terrace developments near Riverside Drive and Allesandro
Street. The developments are near the old Edendale Electric Car
right-of-way. The developments are just 20 minutes from downtown Los
Angeles by street car. The fare then was just 6 cents. |